This dental practice consists of dedicated and professional employees. We strive to be acknowledged by our clients, suppliers and regulators as a leader in our sector. This will be achieved by ensuring that we recruit and train highly professional staff whose ambitions are to exceed client expectations.
We aim to provide dental care and treatment of consistently good quality for all patients and only to provide services that meet patients’ needs and wishes. We aim to make care and treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible. In addition we aim:
The objectives of the practice are to deliver a service of high standard in line with professional standards:
This is achieved by offering patients a personal service, integrating the highest quality products with the latest proven techniques and protocols.
Patients are treated with honesty and integrity, in complete confidence and the utmost discretion, in comfortable surroundings, at a reasonable cost.
The practice complies with the requirements of the Advertising Standards Authority and ensures that any advertisements reflect the true nature of services offered.
The regulated activities provided include:
To provide a high quality and range of dental services to the whole community, including consultations, x-rays, routine restorative work, endodontic, treatment of periodontal disease, prostheses & cosmetic work.
To offer patients a friendly and professional service.
To explain the diagnosis to patients in detail, where particular attention should be given and necessary action – treatment options, costs, risks, advice, etc.
To refer to appropriately qualified specialist dental practitioners where necessary such as Orthodontists, Periodontitis etc. Temporary treatment is provided if necessary.
To keep patients well-informed of costs and to discuss treatment progress at each stage, obtaining relevant consent.
To offer a preventative service.
To promote good oral health to all patients attending our practice.
To establish an individually-developed personal dental health regime for each patient to meet their dental care needs and aim for a high level of oral health.
To ensure that all members of our team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently and with confidence.
To provide detailed information and explanations to patients where a surgical procedure is necessary including risks, procedure, etc.
To obtain valid consent for all surgical procedures carried out at the practice.
To monitor patient progress for complex surgical, post-procedure & following clinical protocol to ensure full recovery and minimize risks.
To arrange and agree appointments and review appointments within an appropriate personal timeframe with patients.
To undergo a complete and detailed examination of the patient’s oral health with help from relevant diagnostic equipment, taking into account relevant medical history.
To inform patients of the results of such diagnostic and screening procedures with a view to discussing possible treatment options.
We aim to provide a comprehensive service to the whole population without discrimination. We use good quality modern materials and approved techniques. While not always possible, we aim to see patients on time and keep them informed if we are running late. Where appropriate and without breaching confidentiality we offer an explanation. We endeavour to spend sufficient time with patients. We believe that we are open and fair with all our patients and welcome open communications which help us to continue our services in a manner approved by the majority. We have more than adequate numbers of staff available for most of the time in order that a prompt and caring environment can be maintained.
Our aims can best be achieved if:
Patients only book appointments which they are able to attend and give adequate notification if cancellation should be necessary.
Patients allow plenty of time for attendance so that administrative matters can be dealt with before the clinical appointment time.
Patients are tolerant in circumstances where things do not always go right first time & realising that sometimes many procedural steps and staff are involved creating a complex situation.
When providing feedback on any aspect of service this is done in a no confrontational, friendly and courteous manner. We will always try to accommodate patient’s views.
Patient’s attend regularly and listen to the professional advice being given while also advising of any concerns which they may have.
We require each patient to provide us with an accurate Medical History detailing past and present condition, including medication.
This practice offers dental services to all its patients which consist of: